
We support educators in maintaining a healthy lifestyle by creating non-prescriptive programs for educators and administrative staff. Magnified stresses brought on after a global pandemic are contributing to staff getting to work early, leaving late, and carrying the weight of students falling behind.


Work within a support group of other educators and professionals to share ideas and manage stressful life events. Learn best practices and share with people that understand your current challenges and day-to-day experiences.


When we’re changing, most of us need compassion, honest feedback and a partner to brainstorm possibilities. This support system will sit with you during inevitable hard times — and still see the best in you!


This program is non-prescriptive, because one thing doesn't work for everyone! You'll develop a set of new behaviors and approach that is sustainable.

Hello there!

I'm Steph

I help educators find creative ways to eat better, increase physical activity, lose weight, and reduce stress — all of which can help prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic health challenges.

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